Terms of Service

zFrame is not responsible for any content posted by members (Content). The content posted is solely the expression of the poster. We do not hold copyright and are not responsible for copyright of any content. Please contact us at m.me/zframe.official to request that we remove content that violates your copyright.

You agree not to use zFrame to post, discuss or link to any Content that is political, religious, obscene, racist, defamatory, abusive, hateful, divisive, is tortious, threatening, offensive, contains personal information of others, violates copyright, is illegal, encourages illegal conduct, or violates all other laws.

We have the right to delete or edit any Content posted on the website for any reason without explanation. Requests to remove or edit Content will be made at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to cancel (remove accounts or ban) our Services at any time.

You grant us the right to use and reproduce your Content with the Service permanently, unlimitedly and irrevocably. You retain all rights to your content.

All Content you submit or upload may be moderated by the Administrator. Do not post any Content that you consider personal or top secret.

These terms are subject to change at any time without notice.

If you do not agree to these terms, please stop registering for or using our Services. If you wish to close your account, please contact m.me/zframe.official.